A woodland rose wreath with tissue paper roses to brighten your day!

Posted by Misha Gudibanda on

Staying home over the past few months of the Coronavirus lockdown, the monotony of balancing household chores was my not-so-loved companion. Home had also started looking the same, for like, forever, now. It turns out, though, that the urge for a break led me to revisit some of my favourite crafts from ages ago, in particular, making paper flowers.

On a rainy weekend afternoon, when we Mumbaikars huddled in our homes while the skies turned liquid, I got out my craft wire, glue, and secret stash of tissue paper (that is never to be used as the makers intended), to make some tissue paper roses. Why roses? They just never grow old for me! Someone said roses were the only flower which looked better inside the home than on the bushes. For no other flower, would I agree with this... but roses, they are different! Roses on gifts, roses in the hair, roses tucked away in corners of the home and kitchen, just make me smile. Our work in Sky Goodies tends to feature a lot of roses painted in truck art style, thanks to my soft corner for wild, vibrant, beautiful roses.

I ended up making a little wreath with the tissue paper roses; but really there's no limit to the ways you can decorate with them. They look beautiful as a bouquet, too, and have the added pricelessness attached to hand-made gifts. Not to mention, they last way longer than fresh flowers, and cost a fraction of the price! 

easy paper craft flower rose wreath

Making these paper roses is one simple mindful craft you could do along with a cup of coffee and some music, on a sleepy afternoon, or when you are awake in the middle of the night, you know not why. Each DIY paper flower will take you 5-10 minutes or less. I usually end up making a bunch... one flower leading into another in a free-wheeling satisfying process. If you want to try it out, I've put a video tutorial below, explaining how to make paper flowers step by step.

Start by getting together the few things you need to make this wreath.

You will need:

  • Paper dinner napkins in any colour OR crepe paper OR kitchen roll
  • Thin easily pliable craft wire 
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
If you want to make a wreath using the paper flowers, you will also need:
  • A thin long branch that is flexible enough to curve into a circle
  • A few smaller branches 

Take a small length of craft wire, around 6 inches long.
Bend and twist one end to make a loop.

Cut a strip of tissue paper.
Apply glue and wrap it around the wire loop to make the centre of the rose.

Fold the paper and cut petal shapes.
Start attaching the petals one by one, with glue, to the base of the centre. 
Add as many petals as you like - fewer petals to make buds and many more for fully-bloomed roses.
Repeat the process to make more paper roses.

Cut and stick a layer of sepals to the base of the rose petals. 

To make a wreath... take the branch and gently bend it into a circle, attaching the ends with some craft wire.
Attach a few more smaller branches using craft wire. Enjoy the process of find the exact arrangement of twigs that pleases you... there is no right or wrong! 

Attach the roses to the branches by twisting the craft wire tightly around the branches. You can add as many roses as you like.
Hang the wreath on a wall to decorate your space!
You could also hang it on your front door. 

Life is a series of twists and turns and interminable to-do-lists... and sometimes we forget to take time out for ourselves and slow down. I have to constantly remind myself. Making something, however small, always makes me feel lighter and brighter. If you like unwinding with craft, too, have a look at our easy paper craft kits. Meanwhile, don't forget to have fun! 

Love and best wishes, my paper-crafting friends :),


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